The people who create "Alors"
Jean-François Abert:
Edited the "culture" pages of the daily newspaper Lyon-Libération
from 1986 to 1992; was Assistant Editor-in-Chief for 7 months. A freelance
journalist since 1992 for Grands Reportages, l'Amateur de Bordeaux,
l'Amateur de Cigare and Le Nouvel Economiste; he has also written
works for the theatre (including "Passé Cinq Heures"
presented at the TNP de Villeurbanne), and essays ("Le Génie
des Saveurs", published by Calman-Lévy).
Thierry Benoît:
Was Assistant Editor-in-Chief responsible for publication at Libération.
Jean-Baptiste Harang:
Journalist for the "Books" section in the daily newspaper
Libération; author of 4 novels published by Grasset, in particular
"les Spaghettis d'Hitler".
Jacques Maigne:
Reporter in the Foreign news department of Libération until
1995. Freelance journalist for Géo and Marianne. He has
also written seven documentaries broadcast on the Arte channel between
1995 and 2000. For the same channel, he was the scriptwriter of a series
of five 26 minute episodes, "Chasseurs d'Ouragan" (Tornado hunters).
Jean-Paul Kauffmann:
Publishing director of l'Amateur de Cigare. A writer, he was awarded
the Fémina prize for his book on Eugène Delacroix.
Pierre Sorgue:
Was a reporter on the daily newspaper Lyon-Libération from
1986 to 1992, and a reporter for Méditerranée Magazine.
Currently a freelance journalist and reporter for Géo, Télérama
and Ulysse.
Luc Vachez:
Was publishing manager and editor of the "culture", "media",
"economy" and "multimedia" sections at Libération
before joining the Réunion des Musées Nationaux [French
national museums association] to run many editorial projects, including
Serge Challon:
Founder of the Editing Server agency, he is also president of SAPHIR
(Union of News Photograph and News Agencies), administrator of the FFAP
(French Federation of Press Agencies) and member of the French Joint Commission
of Press Publications and Agencies.
Quang-Tri Trân
Has organized modern art exhibitions in situ in Paris and Lyon, a "culture"
journalist on the daily newspaper Lyon-Libération and a
freelance journalist for Télérama, Libération,
Le Nouvel Economiste and Le Nouveau Quotidien. For three years helped
to set up a French private hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Alongside the members
of the Editorial Board, "Alors" is assured of the regular collaboration
of Paul Fournel, a writer member of "L'Oulipo", Goncourt
short story prize in 1988 and currently honorary French consul in Cairo,
and of Jean Rolin, a freelance reporter for Le Figaro, Géo,
etc., Albert Londres prize; also a writer, Médicis prize (joint
winner) for his book, "L'Organisation".
More about "Alors"
About Groupe Serveur
/ the Server Group
An S.A.S. Holding company with registered capital of 598,539,000FRF, the
Serveur Group ( is a publishing imprint producing data
banks and hard copy publications, founded in Lyon in 1987. For almost
15 years it has been a major player in court, legal and economic data
banks (Le Serveur Judiciaire, Juris Serveur,, etc.). Server
Group's media holdings cover a range from the cultural (Alors)
and financial (Newsbourse) press to agencies: Regional Press
Agency - a financial and economic press agency, Conception Editoriale
- documentary journalism, Editing Server - photographic news
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